Mathematical Recreations

Squares Curve in Acheron 2.0

Squares Curve

The Squares curve is a nice fractal curve, build using a recursive procedure. I saw a sample of this curve in the well-known book 'Algorithms in C' written by Robert Sedgewick (Addison-Wesley Publ. ISBN 0-201-51425-7). It was not named from its inventor so I call it the Squares Curve. As almost all the geometric fractal curves, this curve shares the fascinating property of having an infinite curve length in a finite area.

All pictures are from Acheron 2.0, a free explorer of geometrical fractals. You can download Acheron 2.0 here

Construction Back to Top

The starting point of the recursive method for drawing the Squares curve is a simple square.

First Iteration in Squares Curve

Use the four corners of the square as the center of 4 smallers squares, each having half the size of the main square. The first iteration gives:

Second Iteration in Squares Curve

The same procedure gives already a nice picture at the second iteration:

Third Iteration in Squares Curve

Properties Back to Top

Variations Back to Top

All Variations described are available using Acheron 2.0

Author Biography Back to Top

Robert Sedgewick Born: 20 Dec 1946 in Willimantic, Connecticut, United States

Robert Sedgewick was born in Willimantic, Connecticut where his parents were professors at the University of Connecticut. He earned a bachelor of Science (1968), a master in applied mathematics (1969) and received his PhD at the Stanfaord University (1975). He developped lot of algorithms and wrote 20 books covering different languages (C, C++, java) tranaslated all around the world.

Complte biography avaiable on Wikipedia