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PhotoRenamer 4.1

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Renaming Mask

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Renaming Photos with PhotoRenamer 4.1
Mask Format Specifications
Edition of Renaming Masks of PhotoRenamer 4.1
Handling of Duplicates
File Extension

Files Selection

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Files Selection
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Special Specifications

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Keywords Specifications
Keyboard Entries Specification
Picture Counter Specifications

Meta Data

Exif Meta Data
IPTC Meta Data

User Interface

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Ribbon Category 'Home'
Ribbon Category 'Photo Rename'
Ribbon Category 'Details'
Ribbon Category 'Options'
Ribbon Category 'View'
Ribbon Category 'Help'

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About PhotoRenamer 4.1
Language: Visual C++
IDE:Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
App. Version:4.1
Appl. Size:7.83 MB (8.219.136 bytes)
Creation Date:11-Mar-‎2018 ‏‎19:36:26 (GMT+1)
Link Type:Statically Linked
Installer Size:9.43 MB (9.892.153 bytes)
Installer Date:‎11-Mar-‎2018 19:39:15 (GMT+1)

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      PhotoRenamer 4.1 Ribbon 'Photo Rename'

The Photo Rename Category of the PhotoRenamer 4.1 ribbon is the heart for the standard interactions for photo renaming.

PhotoRenamer 4.1 Ribbon
PhotoRenamer 4.1 Ribbon

A. Rename Settings PhotoRenamer 4.1

This dialog box outlines the most common parameters and options for photo renaming with possibility to change them easily in a single location. These parameters and options can be modified in more specific dialog boxes.

B. Edit Selection Filter

The button opens a dialog that shows the current file selection filter. While the default selection filter should fit the standard needs for photo renaming, it can be changed to pecular situations. The local Help file (Greenie button) explains this feature in details. See also Files Selection for further details.

C. PhotoRenamer 4.1 Mask List

The button opens a dialog show the list of Renaming Masks stored in the PhotoRenamer 4.1 SQLite database. From this dialog box, masks can be edited and/or deleted. Remember that the first four masks are standard masks of the application and can not be deleted nor edited. The local Help file explains this feature in details.

D. Edit Renaming Mask

This button opens up a dialog box used to edit the renaming mask. More than 50 different mask specifications are available.

All the possibilities and edition features are explained in great details in the local Help file (Greenie button). See also Mask Format Specifications and Edition of Renaming Masks of PhotoRenamer 4.1 for further details

E. Apply Renaming Mask

This button applies the current renaming mask to all the files listed in the main view. Remember that, at that point, the files are not renamed. PhotoRenamer 4.1 only proposes new names for the files listed. Actual Renaming is triggered using the buttons 'Rename Selected Files' and 'Rename All Files'. See Renaming Photos with PhotoRenamer 4.1 for further details.

F. Rename Selected Files

Once at least one file is selected, clicking on this button triggers the actual renaming of the selected files. See Renaming Photos with PhotoRenamer 4.1 for further details.

G. Rename All Files

Whatever the number of file(s) selected, clicking on this button triggers the actual renaming of all the files listed in the main view. See Renaming Photos with PhotoRenamer 4.1 for further details.

H. Picture Counter and Edit Counter

When the Renaming Mask contains the mask specification %C, PhotoRenamer 4.1 add a unique tag number to the renamed photos. This figure is incremented automatically but, sometimes, it could be useful to modify its value.
This button opens up a dialog box used to modify the base value of the Picture counter.

Please note that modifying the counter value breaks the automatic sequence of photos numbering. It means that duplicate counters or gap in photos counting may arise.

The local Help file (Greenie button) explains this feature in details. See also Picture Counter Specifications for further details.

I. Browse Backup or Target Directories - Renaming Types

An important parameter of the renaming process is the Renaming Type. The default type (Simple Rename) should fit the standard needs for photo renaming. photorenamer40_display_mode.jpg
PhotoRenamer 4.1 handles three different types of renaming:
  1. Simple rename: the files are renamed in the source directory. Source and backup path point to the same directory.

  2. Backup rename: the files to rename are first copied in the backup directory and then renamed in the source directory.

  3. Target rename: the files to rename are left unchanged in the source directory and are copied and renamed in the target directory.

The local Help file (Greenie Button) explains this important feature in details.

J. Edit Keywordss of the PhotoRenamer 4.1 Database

The mask specifications %K and %Kx allow the insertion of keywords obtained from the keyword table of the PhotoRenamer 4.1 database.
This button opens up a dialog box used to add, modify and delete the keywords stored in the database.

Remember that the two first keywords are not editable nor deletable. The local Help file (Greenie Button) explains in details how to add, modify and delete keywords stored in the database.

K. Browsing Photos

These two buttons perform a basic browsing in the files listed in the main view. The same browsing is available using the up and down keyboard keys.

L. Copy to Clipboard

Click on this button to copy the current photo into the Windows clipboard to make it available for any clipboard-compliant applications.

M. View Image Details

Click on this button to open the Detailed View of the Current Photo. This view displays the available Exif Meta Data and IPTC Meta Data.

PhotoRenamer 4.1 Ribbon
PhotoRenamer 4.1 Detailed View

This view can be closed at any time by clicking the red cross button. More about this view and its content in the Ribbon Category 'Details'