What's New in KillProcess 4.3
KillProcess 4.3 is a minor release with several improvements to improve its ease of use.
- Minimize to Tray: New option added to Minimize in the Taskbar (as usual) and in the System Tray
- Improved Timer Precision during Scan and Kill using Windows Timer Queue
- Improvement of the Dialog Box for Configuration of KillProcess 4.3 Scan and Kill
- Improved Description of Events and Data Display in Action Log of KillProcess 4.3
- Integration with the New Web Layout and URLs for KillProcess 4.3
- Improvement of KillProcess 4.3 Reaction on Database Loss
- Overall Obsolete Code Cleanup (KillProcess 4.2 was designed several years ago ....)
- Update of KillProcess About Box: Switch to the New TGMDev Standard with Scrolling Links to Web Sites