OPC Data Acquisition | ||
Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1 |
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Addition, Modification and Removal of Calculated OPC Item(s)
Adding acquired Item(s) to an OPC Group requires beforehand
1. Addition of Calculated OPC Item(s) Two methods are available to start the addition of Calculated OPC Item(s)
Suppose you want to compute the normalized flow from the acquired data: Flow (FY_201), Temperature (TY_201) and Pressure (PY_201). using the formula: Flow Normalized = Measured Flow × (Temperature K Normal / Measured Temperature K) × ( Abs Measured Pressure / Abs Normal Pressure) where Temperature K is the temperature in Kelvin ( that is Temperature C° + 273.16). Normal Pressure will be 1.033 Bar. Here are the procedure to add this computation: Additional features are available to get calculated values:
Select one built-in function by cliccking the pull-down button of the Combobox 'Available Functions' The function will be inserted at the caret position. Move the caret inside the function parenthesis and add an acquired OPC data using the 'Insert Acquired Item in Expression' button. Note that you can also insert calculated data (see next point) Calculated data can be used in other calculated data expression provided that ....it is computed before !!! Taking the exemple of computing the normalized flow from the acquired data, this can be done in simpler steps: Compute Kelvin Temperature: TY_201_K = TY_201 + 273.16 Absolute Pressure PY_201_ABS = PY_201 + 1.033 Normmalized Flow = FY_201 * ( 273.16 / TY_201_K) * ( PY_201_ABS / 1.033) Obviously, Indirect calculated items are valid only if intermediary calculated items are already calculated and valid. |
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