Sudoku Solver

DLXSolver 2.0: Dancing Links Sudoku Solver and Explorer

Source Code of DLXSolver

DLXSolver 2.0 is a Windows 64-bits application written in C++ using the Microsoft IDE Visual Studio Community Edition 2022.

A Word of Caution to Fellow Devs

The application is based on the MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) framework. I know that many people find MFC programming complex and quite outdated. But, since I don't bother writing software for other operating systems than Windows, I've kept this technology for all my programming projects. Since the Visual Studio compiler supports the latest ISO C++ 20 standard, STL is widely used as a replacement for classic C++ methods. In addition, Hungarian notation, introduced at Microsoft by Charles Simonyi, is systematically used to name program variables. Again, many programmers deny the use of this naming convention. But, once again, I don't worry about it. Charles Simonyi is one of the best software designers, and I have personally found Hungarian notation extremely useful in software development.

The source code of DLXSolver 2.0 is available in the C++ Programmming Section of the site.