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About DLXSolver Language: Visual C++ Version: 1.0 Size: 28 Kb (Statically linked) Dancing Links Solver How It Works Credits Bug Report Download DLXSolver 1.0 Visitors and Download Counters Visitors and Download Counters 17519 visitors (since July 2010) 2082 downloads from TGMDev |
Dancing Links Sudoku Solver DLXSolver is a simple brute-force Sudoku Solver that used the Dancing Links technique suggested by Donald Knuth. DLXSolver 1.0 is based on the efficient implementation of the Dancing Links written by Jim Schirle. You can find the original ZeroDlx at http://www.steedsskisports.com/tmp/zerodlx.cpp . The Jim's original code is rewritten as a C++ class that handle automatically either the 9*9 and the 16*16 Sudoku grids. The source fits the standard hungarian notation. How to Use DLXSolver Simply enter the Sudoku grid as follow: * Clues as numbers from 1 to 9 (for 9*9 grids) * Clues as numbers from 1 to 9 and letters from A to G (for 16*16 grids) * Empty Cells ( that I call Quests) as the number 0 Click on the 'Solve' button to get the Solved Sudoku grid ... Note that the number of solution is also displayed ... Some combinations of numbers (or numbers and letters) give more that on solution ... If you limit the search to a maximum of solutions that is lower than the actual number of solutions, the program warns you that you may miss the actual figure .... Warning !!! If the length of the Sudoku grid is not exactly 81 (for 9*9 grids) or 256 (for 16*16 grids) characters, the 'Solve' button is disabled ... Credits If you use this code in your project, please send me a mail (just for information) and give credits to Jim Schirle and Thierry Marneffe. Bug Report Please report any bug to Thierry.Marneffe@skynet.be Download DLX Solver 1.0 The application DLXSolver 1.0 is written according to the standard techniques and recommandations for the development of applications for Windows. The application has been tested extensively to verify its correct behaviour and memory management and to determine its effectiveness on different computers including network-linked computers. The author makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to this application and not be liable in any event for any direct, incidental or consequential damages, loss of profit or data, interruption of business arising out of the performance or use of this program, even if the author has been advised to the possibility of such damages. Download and Use of this software indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions. |